Roger's View · 23. May 2024
It's incredible to see the number of providers that claim to be a CDMO. Walking the aisles of CPhI last year and talking to people during DCAT week mid-March, I see the industry in a similar hype like in the early 2000's, when the buzzword "one-stop-shop" was on. I think, not everybody who claims to be a CDMO really knows how this kind of business works. Some want to become bigger and bigger thinking that size matters. Many of the competitors behave in an opportunistic way wanting to jump on...
Roger's View · 09. November 2023
Rick Mullin of Chemical & Engineering News gives a bright overview about PE activities showing which companies have been taken over by PE. But can the acquired firms satisfy PE's expectations, and are these expectations maybe not in line with the way how CDMO works?

Private Equity in Fine Chemicals
Roger's View · 14. July 2023
There seems to be a fashion that Private Equity invests in CDMO's. In the case of F.I.S. this may be a chance to consolidate the operation and bring it up again. I am commenting on the roles of PE and on the typical story about F.I.S.